Alfred settings

An alfred project is a set of commands and sub-projects linked by a .alfred.toml manifest file.

Starting a project

An alfred project can be initialized in any directory using alfred init command.

This command creates a .alfred.toml manifest file and creates a alfred directory which contains the commands.

alfred init
example of an alfred structure
$ tree

├── alfred
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── .alfred.toml

Project manifest

name = "fixtup" # optional
description = "str" # optional
subprojects = [ ] # optional

command = [ "alfred/*.py" ] # optional
path_extends = [ ] # optional
python_path_project_root = true # optional
python_path_extends = [ ] # optional
venv = null # optional
venv_dotvenv_ignore = false # optional
venv_poetry_ignore = false # optional

Section [alfred]

name (optional)

name of the project or sub-project. This parameter defines the name of the group which gives access to the commands of a sub-project.


If this parameter is absent, the name of the project is deduced from the name of the folder which contains the configuration file .alfred.toml.


The name of a project must not contain spaces. If the name of a subproject contains a space, the commands will not be accessible.

description (optional)

description of the project or subproject displayed when the user uses alfred or alfred --help.

subprojects (optional)

Default value: subprojects = []

a list of expressions to search for sub-projects in a mono-repository.

name = "fixtup" # optional
subprojects = [ "product/*", "lib/*" ] # optional


The glob module is used as an expression interpreter. The wildcards * et ** are allowed to search subfolders recursively.


a sub-project is an alfred project declared in a sub-folder. Currently, alfred only manages one level of subproject.

Even if a subproject contains a subprojects declaration, alfred ignores this declaration when crawling the contents of the subproject.


For expressions that are relative paths, they are resolved from the folder that contains the corresponding .alfred.toml manifest.

Section [alfred.project]

command (optional)

Default value: commands = [ "alfred/*.py" ]

A list of expressions to search for commands in a project. Commands can be declared in multiple locations.


The glob module is used as an expression interpreter. The wildcards * et ** are allowed to search subfolders recursively.


For expressions that are relative paths, they are resolved from the folder that contains the corresponding .alfred.toml manifest.

path_extends (optional)

Default value: path_extends = []

adds folders to the PATH to make executables more accessible. This makes it possible to make commands installed by nodejs accessible. The relative paths are resolved from alfred’s project folder.

path_extends = [ "frontend/node_modules/.bin" ]
pythonpath_project_root (optional)

Default value: python_path_project_root = true

Adds the project directory to the python path to be able to use python packages and modules from the project root without installing them in a virtual environment.

This parameter corresponds to the option Add content root to PYTHONPATH in PyCharm.

pythonpath_extends (optional)

Default value: python_path_extends = []

A list of folders to add to the python path. This option allows you to resolve modules from a folder without installing it in the virtual environment. This is useful for reusing code from tests.

python_path_extends = [ "tests" ]

This option emulates the Add source root to PYTHONPATH option of PyCharm.


For expressions that are relative paths, they are resolved from the folder that contains the corresponding .alfred.toml manifest.

venv (optional)

The virtual environment that is used to run the commands for this project. If this parameter is absent, the interpreter used to invoke the parent is used.

venv = ".venv"


For expressions that are relative paths, they are resolved from the folder that contains the corresponding .alfred.toml manifest.

venv_dotvenv_ignore (optional)

ignore the ./.venv folder when searching for a virtual environment.

venv_dotvenv_ignore = true
venv_poetry_ignore (optional)

ignores poetry’s virtual environment when searching for a virtual environment.

venv_poetry_ignore = true

Subproject : Organization of a mono-repository

In version-control systems, a monorepo is a software-development strategy in which the code for a number of projects is stored in the same repository

In the case where these are different applications, they can have their own manifest, therefore their own venv. Alfred allows them to be managed in a unified way thanks to the concept of sub-projects.

Organization by product

Each application is declared in the products folder of the mono-repository.

├── alfred
│   ├──
│   └──
├── products
│   ├── product_1
│   │   ├── .venv
│   │   └── alfred
│   │       ├──
│   │       └──
│   │   └── .alfred.toml
│   ├── product_2
│   │   ├── .venv
│   │   └── alfred
│   │       ├──
│   │       └──
│   │   └── .alfred.toml
└── .alfred.toml
subprojects = [ "product/*"]
name = "product1"

venv = [ ".venv"]
name = "product2"

venv = [ ".venv"]